Recommendations for localising NDCs
The main tool to turn the global goals of the Paris Agreement into action are the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). Local governments across the globe have primary authority over about one third of the potential for urban climate change mitigation; they therefore have a great impact on implementing the NDCs. However, many local governments are still not tapping this potential, and a series of recommendations can help to move towards a localisation of NDCs and to improve governance capacities / instruments for multi-level climate governance.
- Based on the Policy Brief – Localising NDCs with inspiration from the 2030 Agenda, first gain a good understanding of the three parts of Localising NDCs and what this could mean for your local setting (Template 1.A) and identify, based on the different recommendations (national and local level) what actions you can take forward in the short and long term (Template 1.B).
- You are invited in this step to get a detailed look into recommendations/rationale at different levels regarding different government capacities/ instruments, based on the publication Multi-Level Climate Governance Supporting Local Action . You can read the recommendations /rationale, alone or in a group, and think about how your city could take this forward (initial ideas) – Template 2.
- Markers, cards, boards, brown-paper
- Printouts (templates as described above), or preparation of presentation on a virtual whiteboard.
Involve as many stakeholders as possible to get different perspectives. Involve also other levels of government if possible. This exercise is also recommended when different cities / different countries are participating, so they can gain mutual inspiration.