Road Map
You have identified and prioritised a set of measures or projects that your city wants to implement in order to contribute to global sustainability. For an effective implementation, it is helpful to develop a roadmap together with your partners that defines the necessary steps, available resources and responsibilities.
Establishing a roadmap for implementing prioritised measures.
- Download the template from the material section below. The template provides you with steps necessary to implement global agendas in your city and is based on UCLG ASPAC’s roadmap for localising the SDGs.
- Now, think about the prioritised measures and go through the elements of the roadmap in order to analyse actions your city has to take and the challenges your city may face during implementation, before developing ideas for overcoming these challenges.
- To allow for integrated planning, discuss the steps with partners and colleagues from different departments or units and define for each category/action the responsible person/department and the timeline for the action.
- To allow for an inclusive and transparent planning and for creating ownership for the process, involve all relevant stakeholders in the development process and also define a roadmap with medium- and long-term actions.
- In order to foster better coordination and coherence among the different agendas, it is suggested that a task force is set up at city level, which is responsible for implementing global agendas in your city.
- Many of the other tools from City WORKS feed into the roadmap development. So, if these have not been completed yet, have a look at the other steps in the prepare and apply sections.
1 – 2 hours
Table with Roadmap