Self-assessing financing options
Successful implementation of global agendas at the local level will strongly depend on adequate financing options. Municipal financial management is key to enable a proper fiscal autonomy. This tool provides detailed information about financial mechanisms for local governments, from local taxes/charges, tariffs, transfers and grants to PPPs and municipal credit markets.
Analysing diverse financing options available to local governments
- Analyse your city’s current municipal finances with the help of the table that is ready to download in the material section below.
- Go through the financing mechanisms described in the template and rate the share each mechanism has in view of the current income of your city. Use “high”, “medium” or “low” for the rating or try to guess a specific figure – just trust your feelings.
- Moreover, note down your city’s capacity to use these mechanisms, as well as challenges that (may) occur when applying them. Can you think of ways to overcome these challenges and to increase the share that promising mechanisms have?
1 – 2 hours
Overview of financing options and mechanisms for project implementation