Rapid Assessment of Long-Term Vision: Resilience Addition
Crises such as the COVID-19 outbreak go beyond a health emergency. They have serious and deep impact on the economy, education, housing, and food access, amongst other things. In order to deal with that, cities need long term strategies and actions that incorporate key concepts associated with disaster risk reduction (DRR) and resilience.
This is a “City WORKS for Resilience” tool based on the Rapid Assessment of Long-Term Vision tool.
Step 1: Ask participants to read and analyse the key concepts presented in the given template.
Step 2: In small groups, participants should select a maximum of five actions for the city’s vision/strategy/plan and discuss the main hazards, vulnerabilities, shocks and stresses related to each, and write them in the template.
Step 3: Ask participants to present and discuss their findings. Wrap up questions:
- How are the DRR and/or resilience perspectives included in current urban development actions?
- Was it easy to identify relevant DRR and/or resilient elements?
- Do you think the DRR & resilience perspectives would provide more relevant information for decision making?