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Plan for Action

It is now time to develop an action plan for the implementation of prioritised measures and/or to design a relevant project in more detail (i.e. defining objectives, a logical framework, finding concrete connections to global goals, linking to budgeting, identifying stakeholders, etc.). However, before setting up completely new fields of action – try to mainstream measures into existing plans. No matter which way you and your partners choose, the tools from this step will show you how.

Selected Resources


Develop a roadmap or detailed projects to implement global agendas locally and establish mechanisms to implement change projects.

Guiding Questions

  • What does your city want to achieve and how can you best get there?
  • Are there conflicts to be avoided and synergies to be explored among projects?
  • How can your city integrate identified measures in policies and plans, i.e. is there a need to develop new plans and legislation or are there possibilities to align them with current plans?