Action Planning
A climate change action plan describes short- to long-term strategy, including strategic goals, operational targets and specific measures, to reduce GHG emissions and adapt to the impact of climate change at your local level. It should be based on your own realities and consider the most pressing challenges.
Preparing a rough plan to take specific actions towards mitigation and adaptation to climate change in your city.
- Define strategic goals and operational targets for each relevant sector (government and community sectors) – Template 1.A and 1.B
- Assess mitigation and adaptation policies and measures for government and community operations – Template 2.A and 2.B
Based on previous tasks, you should now:
- identify actions to manage greenhouse gas emissions from government and community operations – Template 3.A – and identify actions to respond to priority climate impact – Template 3.B
- Markers, cards, boards, brown paper
- Printouts (templates as described above), or preparation of presentation on a virtual whiteboard
Involve as many stakeholders as possible to get different perspectives from the sectors. This exercise is also recommended when different cities are participating, so they can gain mutual inspiration.
60 to 180 minutes
Understanding of the VIA tool, potentials and limitation and applicability in your local context.
ICA – Integrated Climate Action Planning, PAKLIM 2010
Several as seen in additional slides after templates