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Linking Urban Action to Resilience​

Crises such as the pandemic and climate change present a series of idiosyncrasies when compared to other urban challenges. For that, we must derive responses that are holistic and comprehensive, allowing cities to build resilience in the long-term whilst addressing short-term threats. Therefore, if we aim to implement effective and impactful actions, we must identify, understand and evaluate the outcomes of the project from a resilience perspective during the planning process.


Evaluating actions/policies/projects according to their resilience benefits and alignment with global agendas.


Step 1: Divide participants into groups of max. 5 people and define what projects – either identified in previous phases of City WORKS or from a different prioritisation process – will be assessed.

Step 2: Analyse the potential resilience impact for each project for the different resilience dimensions, as well as its association with specific SDG targets, using the scoreboard from Matrix 1.

Step 3: Continue to Matrix 2 and analyse the potential of the project to address different SDGs according to the provided scoring standard.

Step 4: Revisit Matrix 1 and confirm if original assumptions concerning resilience and SDGs still stand after analysis of the potential impact for different SDGs (Step 3).

Step 5: Collectively evaluate the highest-ranked projects in both Matrix 1 and 2 and confirm whether these should be priorities for action.

In Matrix 1, there is an opportunity for the different dimensions of resilience to be weighted, allowing participants to (a) evaluate the dimensions that are more relevant to the local context and (b) ensure the resulting evaluation is more tailored to their needs. Please follow the instructions provided in the corresponding line.


It is important that the participants are familiar with the concepts of “shocks” and “stresses”, as well as climate change elements such as “low-emission”, “nature-based” and “circular development”, which can be found in the reference provided below.


2 hours (longer if more projects are assessed)


Assessment and ranking of proposed actions concerning their resilience and SDG impact.