Pair Matching – Action Learning
Your target group already has an idea about the Sustainable Development Goals. However, it is hard to remember all the goals and their specific issues by heart. And what do these goals have to do with transformations within your city? This game is a fun alternative to a dry presentation.
Step 1: Distribute the SDG cards to your participants, who either get a specific SDG number or the name of a goal.
Step 2: The objective for your group is then to find their match. Let them walk around the room and literally find each other to make it more interactive.
Step 3: After your participants have found their matching partner, let them discuss and collect answers to the following questions (select or add if needed):
- What does this goal mean to cities?
- What is your city already doing in that regard?
- What challenges might your city face in implementing this goal?
- Who should be involved in implementing this goal?
Step 4: Have a brief outcome- harvesting session with the entire group.
Prepare and print the cards for this exercise in advance. The exercise is suitable for bigger groups.