Continuum Walk
The quality of the interaction of various groups and stakeholders in cities – from public administration, private sector and civil society – will determine the successful implementation of projects and measures related to all the agendas. Through role-play, the Continuum Walk will help you to explore the intentions of different stakeholders involved in the localisation process.
This exercise can be used as a complement to the Stakeholder Mapping tool.
In a workshop setting, you can explore through a role-play the different involvement formats stakeholders can strive for in any given planning process. For that, you need to follow the tasks:
Step 1: Decide which stakeholders to analyse.
Select a set of stakeholders that will be represented by the participants. Write each stakeholder in one card. You can allocate 1 to 3 participants for each card, whereby they will “think” like that given stakeholder.
The following stakeholder groups are exemplary and non-exhaustive; they could be adapted according to the results of the Stakeholder Mapping exercise.
- National / state government representative
- Mayor
- City councillor
- City Planning Department
- Finance Department
- Environmental NGO
- Grassroots organisation for women’s rights
- Chamber of Commerce
- Small business association
- Academic sector/University
Step 2: Decide how these stakeholders should be involved.
There are 5 potential roles that can be strived for by each of these stakeholders/groups. (Please refer to the table below).
They are marked by cards along a continuum in the classroom (you can use the wall, or the ground to place the cards)
- Get informed/provide information
- Get consulted
- Collaborate
- Decide
- Control
Now you should discuss within the smaller groups the following questions (feel free to visualise bullet points on cards) and then decide about the appropriate position /place yoursefl in the room according to the choosen role:
- Which role do you strive for and why do you want to be involved in the way you have chosen?
- What are your concerns regarding the issues at stake? How are you able to offer support?
Take your time to discuss the questions and decide on the format for stakeholder involvement you strive for.
Step 3: Afterwards, the group should exchange ideas in terms of the following guiding questions:
- How clear was the attribution of a stakeholder to a clear role? Were there cases with more than one involvement options?
- Which key concerns of the different stakeholders do you expect?
- Does involvement differ if the SDGs at stake vary?
- At what stage of the process should the expected involvement take place?
- What could happen if you do not involve stakeholders as indicated?
- Which function could the stakeholders have in a formal organisational structure?
Step 4: Brainstorm different options for your city (optional).
Take a look at the provided table with ideas for tools and techniques for involvement.
From the different options of involvement (from workshops to steering committee), what options do you want to suggest for your city. How can you take it forward?
cards, post-its and pencils,
“Tools and techniques for involvement” template
This exercise does not produce a visual output, you can make pictures of the stakeholder cards in front of the involvement cards for documentation purposes, and also include some bullet points from the discussion.